
Acrylic on Canvas
66" X 42"
Celestial Terrestrial
Oil on Canvas
24" X 24"
Oil on Canvas and
Hand-crafted frame with painted elements
40" X 24" uf / 44" X 28" fr
Vidalia I
Vidalia II

Oil on Canvas
24" X 24" each
Vidalia I
Oil on Canvas
24" X 24"
Vidalia II
Oil on Canvas
24" X 24"

Eon was the beginning of the series of arches, yet there is no arch in the painting and it was rendered in acrylic instead of oil.

A more contemporary Celestial Terrestrial refers back to Eon. Both use the architectural dig and the vastness of the universe while suggesting the form of a modern circuit board.

The onions in Vidalia are experiments with single subjects that carry symbolic meaning but are decorative in nature.


Eon Celestial Terrestrial  
Vidalia 1 and 2 Vidalia 1 Vidalia 2
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Charles H. Reinike III